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Diplomātiskais ekonomiskais Klubs kategoriski iebilst un nepieņem nekāda veida agresīvas darbības, militāros konfliktus, starpvalstu karus, kas notiek pašlaik, Eiropas centrā, kā arī citos kontinentos – Āzijā, Āfrikā.
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Cilvēces atmiņā ir XX gadsimta karti, un ja to aizmirsāt, tad derētu atcerēties. Diplomatic Club for Peace

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Diplomatic Economic Club
apvieno dalībniekus no 37 pasaules valstīm.

Aleksejs Jeļisejevs  

Aleksejs Jeļisejevs
Owner «CAC» SIA

He graduated from university (1998) with a degree in Law. While still a student he began his career as a practicing lawyer. In 2002 Jeļisejevs passed a qualifying exam because of which the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic granted him a state license for the right to practice law.

Later Jeļisejevs was appointed as a member of the Board of Directors of Centerra Gold Inc. in Canada. He was also assigned the duties of the governor director in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on behalf of the Kyrgyz Republic.

In 2010 Jeļisejevs moved to Latvia where he continued his law practice. Now his legal services cover asylum issues in Latvia and other countries of the European Union, including refugee status, alternative status and political asylum. He also defends the interests of victims of prosecution in international judicial and human rights institutions (the Human Rights Committee and United Nations Special Rapporteurs, the European Court of Human Rights, and others), provides legal protection against unlawful extradition requests and illegal international search via Interpol. In addition, his specialization includes the protection of the rights of foreign investors from various forms of expropriation (nationalization) of investments and other violations of their rights by sovereign states, including in international commercial arbitration.

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