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    Counsellor of the Embassy of Hungary János Rékasi’s ends his mission to Latvia  

    János Rékasi, Counsellor for the Embassy of Hungary

    János Rékasi, Counsellor of the Embassy of Hungary for the economic affairs and DEC President, ends his mission to Latvia and Estonia on September 30.
    János Rékasi has been the member of DEC since the 2007 and the President of DEC since the 2009.
    He has participated the meetings of the Club with foreign Ambassadors and businessmen, has visited Latvian enterprises and regions and attended conferences, sport and culture events.

    Hungarian Embassy Counsellor János Rékasi and Evgeny TikhonovHungarian Embassy Counsellor János Rékasi DEC Honorary President Evgeny Tikhonov awarded to the President of the Club János Rékasi commemorative diploma and the Club medal for the development of international economic relations.

    János Rékasi was also given souvenirs commemorating the Club meetings in Latvia.
    Hungarian Embassy Counsellor János Rékasi János Rékasi has represented the Club on many international conferences and exhibitions in Latvia and abroad.
    The Club President János Rékasi is notable for his professionalism, responsibility and integrity, as well as respect and kindness towards people.
    Hungarian Embassy Counsellor János Rékasi The Club medal No 7 has been given to President of the Club.
    The Club members express their gratitude to János Rékasi and wish him further success and well-being.

    Hungarian Embassy Counsellor János Rékasi

    Traditionally, a group photo was given to commemorate the time spent together in the Club.

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Counsellor of the Embassy of Hungary János Rékasi’s ends his mission to Latvia »  Views: 8740   Diplomatic Club

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