Diplomatic Economic Club® Since 1997

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    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    Goodbye, Cornelis
    Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Latvia Mr. Henk Gerrit Cornelis van den Dool held a reception to farewell of the Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy Cornelis J. Groeneveld
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    13.06.2013 (12230)

    Reception of the Embassy of Russia
    June 12 at the residence of the Ambassador of Russia in Latvia, Jurmala, held a reception to celebrate the Day of Russia
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    12.06.2013 (5356)

    Farewell party for Club President Cornelis J. Groeneveld
    June 7th President of the Diplomatic Economic Club held a farewell party for Club members and guests in connection the appointment of a new job
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    07.06.2013 (8279)

    Day of the proclamation Republic of Italy
    Ambassador of Italy to Latvia Giovanni Polizzi June 4 held a in Riga reception on the occasion of the National Day of Italy.
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    04.06.2013 (6981)

    Friendship Avenue
    On the May 31 in the place near Riga Rukishi members of the Diplomatic Club took part in the annual event Planting Lilac bushes in the Friendship Avenue
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    31.05.2013 (5396)

    Cooperation Hungary and Latvia
    May 30 Ambassador of Hungary to Latvia Mr. Gabor Dobokay made a presentation and meeting with entrepreneurs about the prospects of the development of mutually advantageous economic relations
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    30.05.2013 (7499)

    Sanatorium Amber Shore celebrates 40 years of activity
    May 18 sanatorium «Amber Shore» in Jurmala celebrated the 40th anniversary of its activities. Amber Shore sanatorium opened May 3, 1973.
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    19.05.2013 (5998)

    Norwegian Constitution Day
    The Art Museum Riga Bourse May 17 the Ambassador of Norway to Latvia Mr. Jan Grevstad held a reception on the occasion of the Constitution Day of Norway
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    17.05.2013 (5393)

    Bilgin Ozkan finishes work in Latvia
    Counselor of the Turkish Embassy in Latvia on Economic Affairs Bilgin Ozkan finishes work in Latvia and will continue to work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey in Ankara
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    16.05.2013 (6839)

    Democratic making decisions
    «Democratic making decisions and experimentation» in the direction of dissertation of «Mathematical modeling of the political and economic processes in nation building.» Defense was held on May 14 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    14.05.2013 (5260)

    Laying the flowers on the 9th May
    On the 9th May, the Day when the Soviet Union won the Nazi Germany in the WWII, Ambassadors of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan Embassy representatives took part in the ceremony of laying the flowers at the Brethren Cemetery in Riga.
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    09.05.2013 (5637)

    Reception on the occasion of the Day of the Constitution of Poland
    May 3rd Ambassador of Poland to Latvia Mr. Jerzy Marek Nowakowski held a reception on the occasion of the Constitution Day. The first Polish Constitution is the oldest in Europe.
    Diplomatic Economic Club®
    03.05.2013 (5451)

    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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    Руководителям стран и человечеству

    Дипломатический экономический Клуб категорически осуждает и не приемлет любые виды агрессий, вооруженные столкновения, войны между странами, которые сейчас проходят здесь рядом, в центре Европе, на других континентах мира, в Азии, в Африке.
    Ничто не может оправдывать применение силы в любых обстоятельствах, везде страдают простые люди.
    Призываем все стороны, руководителей всех уровней к мирному разрешению любых разногласий через диалог и переговоры.
    Только Мир на нашей планете, только Дружба и взаимное понимание способствуют жизни людей.
    Не допускайте даже мыслей и намёков о третьей мировой войне, об атомном оружии.
    У человечества есть память о войнах XX века, если забыли, вспомните. Diplomatic Club for Peace

    Stop War! Peace All Over the World

    Diplomatic Economic Club
    объединяет участников 37 стран мира.

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    Переговоры, основанные на высоком интеллекте
    Дресс-код и дипломатия
    Необычный дипломатический чайный вечер в Клубе
    Крупнейший портовый город, второй после Берлина и седьмой по величине в Евросоюзе
    В электронной переписке можно применить известный принцип kiss: не придумывать лишнего и не превышать разумной длины письма

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