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    New proposal on EU-wide contract law: advantages for firms and consumers
    European Commission proposed to develop a draft of the Common European Sales Law to boost trade and expand consumer choice. It will provide firms with an easy and cheap way to expand their business to new markets in Europe while giving consumers higher level of protection. Instead of setting aside national laws, the European Commission is taking an innovative approach to contracts based on free choice, subsidiarity and competition.
    27.10.2011 (6391)

    In Doing Business report Latvia went up by 10 positions, Lithuania and Estonia lost advantage
    In World Bank’s Doing Business report 2012 Latvia moved up from the 31 to 21 place and passed by the neighboring Baltic countries. Estonia moved down from 18 to 24 position, Lithuania – from 25 to 27.
    Latvia made starting a business easier by reducing the minimum capital requirement and introducing a common application for value added tax and company registration, noted the report in its summary.
    27.10.2011 (6860)

    The 2012 budget of Hungary
    The Hungarian government is firmly committed to uphold the deficit target of 2.5% of GDP as set in the Széll Kálmán Plan and the Convergence Programme even in the volatile global economic environment and the turbulences caused by the European sovereign debt crisis. To this end, the Government announced new measures to improve the budget by 1000bn HUF in 2012, including a buffer for unforeseen negative developments.
    19.09.2011 (5576)

    The term of Hungary’s Presidency in the EU completes
    Ambassador of the Republic of Hungary in Latvia Gabor Dobokay at the meeting at his residency in Riga summed up for BC the semi-annual presidency of Hungary in EU’s Council. The term will end on June 30, 2011.
    30.06.2011 (6163)

    Regions as a source of progress in the European Union
    Regional development in the EU has acquired a particular attention in the Union policies after the Maastricht Treaty in 1992. Since then, major attention in the Union’s support for social and economic development in European regions has transformed both the Union’s budget and the policy coordination. A new publication provides a fresh insight into the „regions’ opportunities“ for theory and practice of European integration.
    20.05.2011 (7593)

    Progress made in creating European patent
    At the end of 2010, at the request of 12 member states, the Commission proposed an idea of enhanced cooperation in the area of European „unitary patent protection“. Soon after, another 13 Member States submitted their request to join the enhanced cooperation. The European Parliament gave its consent during spring 2011. The Competitiveness Council finally authorised the launch of enhanced cooperation with the participation of 25 EU member states.
    20.05.2011 (6748)

    EU strategy for Single Market
    The EU Single Market strategy is still the nucleus and the core economic driving force in European integration. It also remains the most effective means of responding to the current economic crisis. In mid-April 2011, the Commission adopted „strategic aims“ for the optimization of the Single Market, SM, which consisted of 12 main „projects“ providing stimulus for prospective growth in 2012. Twelve instruments of growth, competitiveness and social progress range from worker mobility to SME finance and consumer protection, via digital content, taxation and trans-European networks.
    20.05.2011 (6849)

    International law and the EU legal order
    Since the Lisbon Treaty entered into force at the end of 2009, the European Union has become a legal entity, i.e. a Community that could enter into international agreements on behalf of the EU-27 member states. This fact addressed an important issue of correlations between the EU law and international legal order. Several EU Commissioners perform international functions.
    20.05.2011 (7738)

    Latvian-French joint venture EMMA – alliance of import and export
    A sensational presentation of joint venture EMMA (Eurasian MultiModal Alliance), established by the international logistic company GEFCO and one of the leading and rapidly developing Latvian railway company SRR was held in the Embassy of France in Latvia. The main purpose of joint venture is to implement multimodal transportations from Europe to Central Asia. This alliance primarily is of interest to those, who provide container loading in both directions.
    19.04.2011 (6463)

    Rewriting the history of North America
    Stone tools were found in 15,500-year-old sediment, pushing back the oldest evidence of human occupation in North America.
    It’s time to rewrite the story of how Stone Age explorers from Asia crossed over into the Americas and colonised the continents.
    03.04.2011 (6076)

    If you want to be happy, be happy!
    We often hear the phrase: „think out loud“. To what do our acknowledged and subconscious thoughts lead us? To feeling guilt or annoyance? People do not even star wondering about it. We really need to learn how to notice small pleasant things and stop paying attention on the disappointing ones.
    11.03.2011 (7027)

    By the year 2100 whole nations will be under water
    The largest American coastal cities are in danger of being submerged. Furthermore, scientists believe that even in our century several nations will disappear from the maps. They will be, literally, swept away by a huge wave. Furthermore, the steady rise of the ocean level caused by the global warming poses a threat to St. Petersburg. Scientists’ predictions are almost 100 percent accurate.
    01.03.2011 (8766)

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