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    Useful links with scientific papers, researches
    Useful links with scientific papers, researches
    30.08.2010 (7131)

    Business and environment in the European Union
    Eugene Eteris, Baltic Course, European Studies Faculty
    Commission has launched a ? 35 mln tender for projects that „unite“ environmental challenges with the business opportunities to be funded under the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (Brussels, 13 April 2010). Under the 2010 CIP Eco-innovation call for proposals, funds are available for new projects in the area of materials recycling, sustainable building products, the food and drink sector and green business practices.
    28.06.2010 (50238)

    Commission encourages efforts for sustainable tourism sector
    Eugene Eteris, BC Scandinavian Office
    Ways and means to strengthen tourism sector in Europe were discussed at the European Tourism Stakeholders Conference in Madrid recently. Main efforts seem to be devoted to verify the optimal actions to promote competitiveness and sustainable growth of European tourism.
    28.06.2010 (7043)

    Establishing European and international set of accounting rules
    Eugene Eteris, European Studies Faculty, RSU
    At the G-20 meting of industrialised nations in September 2009, a firm support was voiced for a single set of high quality accounting standards to improve capital flows and cut down on cross-border arbitrage in response to the financial crisis. However, achieving consensus is proving increasingly difficult. The EU internal market commissioner Michel Barnier proposed reforms to the European and international accounting rules.
    28.06.2010 (6404)

    Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) in the EU policies
    Eugene Eteris, RSU, European Studies Faculty
    Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) is part of the ICT programme of the European Commission. FET aims at promoting long-term research and laying the scientific foundations of radically new next generation technologies. FET helps identify and develop future research in ICT and in the interdisciplinary field of quantum information science often inspired by other scientific disciplines.
    28.06.2010 (5892)

    Macroeconomic development scenario
    Latvian Ministry of Finance in January 2010, published a country’s macroeconomic development scenario for the next three years.
    27.06.2010 (5495)

    The euro-goal will be one of the most important priorities of the next Hungary government
    On the eve of the round table dedicated to the banking crisis lessons in Baltic states BC met with Janos Rekasi, DEC vice-president, Counsellor, Embassy of Hungary in Estonia and Latvia. The conversation was about the lessons learnt by Hungary after the financial crisis, as both Latvia and Hungary had to turn for intenational organization assistance.
    27.06.2010 (10061)

    The EU measures to manage the financial sector: expected effects for banks
    Eugene Eteris, European Integration Institute, Denmark, LLD, prof.
    The economic and financial crisis in the EU has had a negative effect on both public and private sectors: the latter being affected, generally, through banks. It is generally recognised that the bankers’ practice brought national economies to the brink of ruin.
    27.06.2010 (5070)

    First 10 years in a new century: the changing world survived
    Eugene Eteris, BC Scandinavian Office, 30.12.2009.
    27.06.2010 (4955)

    Good-bye koruna, welcome euro: Slovaks celebrate the first year in Eurozone
    Eugene Eteris, BC’s Scandinavian Office, 11.01.2010.
    27.06.2010 (5080)

    Risk management: concept, positioning and priorities
    Eugene Eteris, European Studies Faculty, RSU, LLD, assoc. prof.
    27.06.2010 (5042)

    State Management at a time of crisis
    As all the invited RT’s participants acknowledged during discussions, the issues of crisis management and Latvian economic management in particular have been analysed for the first time in the country’s modern history.
    27.06.2010 (4666)

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