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    » Articles » Hungary. National Economy 05.12.2010 (5675)

    Hungary. National Economy  

    The Hungarian Ministry for National Economy has always been giving high priority to keep all the foreign experts, analysts and journalists well-informed about the actual economic issues in Hungary.

    In favor of this goal, the Ministry decided to prepare a series of professional information material on current Hungarian economic issues.

    1. About the corporate tax rate.

    According to the plans of the Government, Hungary will provide the most optimal tax environment in the Central-European region.

    A record low corporate tax rate in Hungary

    2. «Hungary on the Fast Lane: the New Széchenyi Plan is soon Under Way»

    The new plan section is a basis for a new economic policy and create a million new jobs in Hungary.

    New Széchenyi Plan

    3. About the fact, that Hungary will have a flat rate personal income tax system with a 16 percent flat-rate personal income tax from 1 January 2011.

    Flat rate personal income tax system

    4. Shows us how Hungary has been carrying out a comprehensive pension reform recently. The country is about to return to the two-pillar pension system.

    Pension reform

    5. The new Hungarian government is firmly determined to make Hungary the 21st century financial services centre of Central Europe. You can find more information about it in our fifth document, called ’21th Century Hungary as Regional Financial Centre’.

    21th Century Hungary as Regional Financial Centre

    6. The 500-700 bn HUF extra gap in the budget left behind by the Socialist government forced the new government to urgently introduce measures aimed at increasing revenues and cutting expenditure. About the unavoidable introduction of crisis taxes in Hungary.

    Crisis taxes in Hungary

    Articles »  Hungary. National Economy »  Views: 5675   Diplomatic Club

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