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    The International exhibition of mechanical engineering, metalworking of new technologies  

     Minister of Economics Artis KamparsThere has been conducted the exhibition of mechanical engineering, metalworking, automatization, electronics, electrical engineering, tools and new technologies in the International exhibition center from 25 till 27 of November „Tech Industry 2010“.
    In the opening Ceremony participated Minister of Economics Artis Kampars , chairman of Latvian Association of Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking IndustryVilnis Rantinsh .
    Tech Industry 2010 More than 170 enterprises-participants from Latvia and foreign countries demonstrate at the exhibition „Tech Industry“ metalworking and industrial machinery and equipment in action, equipment and materials for mechanical engineering, airflow technologies and hydrotechnologies, metal wares for producing, automation and control systems, Hydraulic Equipment , Power Tools, instrumentation, electronics and electrical engineering, gas supply system, storage equipment and loading and unloading equipment.

    Tech Industry 2010For representatives of Embassies, accredited in Latvia Vilis Rantinsh introduced possibilities of Latvian engineering industry, guests got accuanted with exhibition stands of exhibition participants.
    Amoplant The company Amoplant successfully implements gathering the buses in Jelgava, the representatives of a factory Igor Graurs and Armand Kruze described in details manufacture and advantages of buses. Five of them already run the routs of Jelgava. Diplomats have got sure about comfort personally, trip to company «Riga Free Port fleet» was on the bus «Ambassador».
    Santa и Stella The director of the company Aivars Karlsons presented 2 harbour tugs Santa и Stella, which are used for towing large ships in port, for breaking ice, fire fighting, removing pollution, oil spills and others.
    They are completely gathered in Latvia on ship-repairing factory in Vecmilgravis.

    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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    Дипломатический экономический Клуб категорически осуждает и не приемлет любые виды агрессий, вооруженные столкновения, войны между странами, которые сейчас проходят здесь рядом, в центре Европе, на других континентах мира, в Азии, в Африке.
    Ничто не может оправдывать применение силы в любых обстоятельствах, везде страдают простые люди.
    Призываем все стороны, руководителей всех уровней к мирному разрешению любых разногласий через диалог и переговоры.
    Только Мир на нашей планете, только Дружба и взаимное понимание способствуют жизни людей.
    Не допускайте даже мыслей и намёков о третьей мировой войне, об атомном оружии.
    У человечества есть память о войнах XX века, если забыли, вспомните. Diplomatic Club for Peace

    Stop War! Peace All Over the World

    Diplomatic Economic Club
    объединяет участников 37 стран мира.

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