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    »» Archive  »  Reception of the Poland Embassy 12.12.2010 (41466)

    Reception of the Poland Embassy  

    Reception of the Poland Embassy. Mr Jerzy Marek Nowakowski

    December 11th, Riga, Ambassador of Poland Republic held a reception to mark the 92th Anniversary of Poland Independance and the 90 th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Latvia and Poland.
    National anthems were performed on the piano by the director of the fund of Herman Brown — Ina Davivdova.
    Ambassador of Poland, Mr Jerzy Marek Nowakowski, congratulated those present on the occasion and wished success, prosperity and development of long-term relations between nations of Poland and Latvia.
    Independence Day is celebrated in Poland on November 11th in honor of the independence of the state in 1918.
    On November 11, 1918, after 125 years of partition of Poland between Germany, Austria and Russia, a country once again appeared on the map of Europe.

      Reception of the Poland Embassy

    At the reception participated the invited guests, Ambassadors, diplomats, representatives of the Polish community in Latvia and others.
    For the reception the food was specially brought food from Bialystok (Poland).

    Reception of the Poland Embassy. Mr Veshniakov, Russian AmbassadorAmbassador of Russian Federation A.Veshnyakov First Secretary of the Embassy of Czech Republic Marta Stolyarova and Secretary of Russian Embassy Pavel BredikhinFirst Secretary of the Embassy of the Czech Republic Marta Stolyarova and Secretary of Russian Embassy Pavel Bredikhin Reception of the Poland Embassy Christmas tree at Town Square in Riga

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