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    Reception in the honour of the 66th anniversary of Victory Day of 1945  

    Reception in the honour of the 66th anniversary of Victory Day  

    On the 6th May the Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the the following countries:E. Zeynalov – Azerbaijan, A.Gerasimenko – Belarus, G. Koishybayev – Kazakhstan, A. Cracan – Moldova, A. Veshnyakov – Russian, K.Nazarov – Uzbekistan, O. Kushnir (Charge d’Affaires a.i.) – Ukraine held a reception to mark the anniversary of the victory over fascism in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.
    The Ambassador of the Russian Federation A. Veshnyakov greeted everyone on the holiday and wished further success and prosperity to the people of all countries.

    Reception in the honour of the 66th anniversary of Victory Day

    We – the representatives of different countries and nations have gathered here today to celebrate the holiday that unites us — the 66th anniversary of the Victory over fascism. On behalf of my colleagues – Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Commonwealth of Independent States accredited to the Republic of Latvia (the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Russian Federation and Ukraine) – I welcome You to the ceremony. Our fathers and grandfathers not only defended our freedom and saved the Motherland, but made a decisive contribution to the liberation of Europe from the fascist enslavement.

    It was not only our Victory. We will always remember the contribution to the Victory of the Members of the anti-Hitler coalition: the USA, Great Britain, France and other countries. We will keep in our memory heroic deads of anti-fascists throughout Europe, including Latvians, who fought in the Red army. The opponents of the nazi regime were united by the understanding of the necessity to stand against the absolute evil by any forces and means in the spirit of solidarity and mutual confidence.

    The World war II is the main historical lesson of the 20th century for us. We are building together the peaceful future of the Earth, standing up united for the principals of the international law, cooperating for the peaceful solution of conflicts.I’m sure, that the forthcoming date of the Great victory will contribute to the unification of all countries and peoples, strengthening our solidarity in the face of global challenges of the 21st century. Esteemed ladies and gentlemen!

    Let me congratulate you with the Victory Day and wish you sound health, well-being as well as fruitful cooperation.
    Let me propose a toast: «To the victory, to peace, to our friendship and mutual understanding».

     Reception in the honour of the 66th anniversary of Victory Day

    The representative of the Search team presented to A. Veshnyakov a medal „For Braveness“, which belongs to the Red Army soldier and was lost during the War near Aluksne. It aimed to be passed to the relatives.
    The Ambassador assured that the medal will be passed on to the relatives, who currently live in Russia.

    Reception in the honour of the 66th anniversary of Victory Day
    Reception in the honour of the 66th anniversary of the Great Victory, Chantal Poiret, Aleksandr Veshnyakov, Inguna Sudraba The Ambassador of France Mrs Chantal Poiret, the Ambassador of Russia Mr Alexander Veshnyakov, Mrs Inguna Sudraba
    Reception in the honour of the 66th anniversary of the Great Vicotry, Igor Nazaruk, Viktor Danilokh, Brien O’Beirne Counsellor of the Embassy of Belarus Igor Nazaruk, Director of the sanatorium „Yantarniy Bereg“ („Amber Shore“) Viktor Danilokh, Second Secretary of the Embassy of the USA Brien O’Beirne
    Reception in the honour of the 66th anniversary of the Great Victory, Ilja Gerchikov, Jevgeny Roldugin, Juris Savickis Ilja Gerchikov – President of the Joint-Stock Company „Dzintars“, Director of the Latvian representative office of Gazprom Jevgeny Roldugin, president of the company ITERA Latvia Juris Savickis

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Reception in the honour of the 66th anniversary of Victory Day of 1945 »  Views: 8929   Diplomatic Club

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