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    Company Dzintars  

     Company Dzintars

    On the 6th December Mr. Ilya Gerchikov — President of JSC Dzintars, invited members of the Diplomatic Club to visit his company, — the oldest Latvian factory, which produces perfumes and biological cosmetics.

    Visitors observed the process of production and after that discussed the development of the company and general trends of Latvian economy.

     Company Dzintars

    The company was established in 1849 in Riga, and traditionally used ecologically clean raw materials. To make a high quality production there was created company’s own manufacturer to produce infusions.

     Company Dzintars

    Members of the Club observed the „production line“ of the factory, the organisation of the production circle, saw that products have high quality, and specialists have a good professional qualification.

    Company Dzintars

    Factory Dzintars has a special laboratory to produce high quality products. It is using different herbs, from which in the factory releases special components, which have medical and cosmetic characteristics.

    Company Dzintars

    For many kinds of products company has a finished production circle, including production of components.
    Dzintars makes cosmetics, which is successfully sold not only in Latvia, but also in many other countries in the world. There is a developed franchise system, which one can buy in many European countries, and which is expanding geographically.


    At the round table meeting the President of JSC „Dzintars“ Mr. I.Gerchikov told about the company’s targets in the modern economical environment. During the long period of time company was developing its own market segment. For example, one can find company’s products in more than 50 shops, and also outside the borders of Latvia, — in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany and other countries, and can also buy qualitative cosmetics from Latvia, which has a good reputation and famous trade mark (brand). Company is always developing and investing both in personnel development and in equipment. This makes sure company will be operating well and will look safely into the future.
    Many foreign tourists, who are visiting Latvia are buying „Dzintars“ company’s cosmetics, what confirms it’s high quality product.

    Vice-President of the Club Oleg Butenko thanked Mr. I.Gerchikov for the possibility to visit the factory and good conversation. There were given some souvenirs from the Club to remember the meeting.

    Participants of the meeting :
    O.Butenko, B.O’Beirn, A.Volkov, D.Tomashewski, V.Lapatko, Ž. Marzakassimova, J.Lopatko, A. Butenko, M.Preminin, V.Roldugin, A.Iljin, D.Isahanov and other.

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Company Dzintars »  Views: 8604   Diplomatic Club

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