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    Belarus in international ratings and domestic statistics in 2011  

    The National Statistics Committee of Belarus reports that in 2011 as compared to 2010 Belarus recorded:

    — a GDP growth of 5.3%;

    — a 13.3% increase in the capital investments;

    — growth in real disposable incomes of the population of 1.1%[1].

    The registered unemployment on January 1, 2011 was 0.6% of the economically active population (at the end of December 2010 this figure was 0.7%).

    During the first 11 months of 2011 the foreign trade in goods made 144%, as compared to the same period of 2010[2], including the growth of exports by 57.9%.

    In January 2012 the Nuclear Threat Initiative has issued a report on Nuclear Material Security Index.

    By the combination of all indicators Belarus has 74 points out of a maximum of 100 and shares 16th place with Italy and Argentina, being forward of such countries as China, France, India, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Russia, and South Africa.

    Belarus has the highest rankings in the following subcategories: Group(s) Interested in Illicitly Acquiring Materials, Independent Regulatory Agency, Domestic Nuclear Materials Security Legislation, Security Personnel Measures, Material Production / Elimination Trends, and Sites and Transportation.

    Belarus received 93 points in the category Domestic Commitments and Capacity that measures adherence and capabilities of the country to fulfill its international legal commitments in the area of nuclear material security. In this category Belarus is ahead of the USA, Russia, Japan, China, India, and Israel.

    In the category Global Norms that measures participation of the states in international treaties Belarus shares its 71 points with Canada, Mexico, and South Africa, leaving behind Italy, China, India, and Israel.

    In Security and Control Measures category Belarus received 78 points and is ahead of Germany, Sweden, Norway, Japan, Poland, China, India, Ukraine, South Africa, Argentine, and Mexico.

    The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) considers the Republic of Belarus an important producer of major agricultural produce. In particular, the newsletter «Food Outlook: Global Market Analysis» of December 2011 reports cereal crops harvest of 8.1 million tons in 2011, that is 18% higher than the 2010 figure.

    In 2011 the share of Belarus in shipments of butter rose to over 10% placing our state the third after New Zealand and the EU, leaving behind Australia and the USA. In cheese exports Belarus holds the 4th position.

      According to the 2011 UN Human Development Report:
    • Belarus ranks 65th among 187 countries in the ranking and is in the group of states with high level of human development, staying ahead of all other CIS states.
    • By the Multidimensional Poverty Index, calculated for 108 states, Belarus leaves behind all the CIS states and with a zero indicator tops the ranking together with Slovakia and Slovenia.
    • On the share of women in parliament Belarus ranks 22nd, higher than all other CIS states and such developed nations as Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the USA.
    • Belarus is confidently ahead of all the CIS states in the Environment Performance Index and in the indicator of the share of renewable energy sources in the energy balance of the country.
    • On one of the components of the ecological sustainability indicator Belarus is ahead of all the CIS states and the majority of the developed nations, including Austria, Belgium, Germany, Finland, France, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the USA.
    • Belarus ranks second in the CIS after the Russian Federation on the Gross National Income per capita and is ahead of Brazil, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, and Turkey.


    Articles »  Belarus in international ratings and domestic statistics in 2011 »  Views: 5094   Diplomatic Club

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