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    Meeting with the Ambassador of Lithuania in the Club  

    Meeting with the Ambassador of Lithuania in the Club“ title=

    On the 1st March the Club invited the Ambassador of Lithuania for a traditional meeting „Meeting in the Club over a cup of tea: Ambassador of Lithuania in Latvia H.E. Mr. Ričardas Degutis ".

    H.E. Mr.Ričardas Degutis talked about the contemporary development of Lithuania and about country’s perspective development directions;
    He mentioned the co-operation with countries of the Customs Union of CIS through the prism of logistics, transit, transport and financial services, and talked about the perspectives of the Nuclear Power Plant in Visagina development and about the closure of the old Nuclear Power Plant in Ignalina. Plans of the LPG gas terminal construction. Lithuania is the main trade partner of Latvia and the Ambassador described further perspectives of trade development, mentioned Lithuania’s preparations for the EUR introduction in 2014.
    There were discussed issues of energy, and development of the Project Rail Baltic

    Meeting with the Ambassador of Lithuania in the Club“ title=

    At the end of the meeting Ambassador answered questions from the Club members.

    President of the Club Mr. Cornelis J. Groeneveld thanked H.E. Mr. Ričardas Degutis for the detailed speech and an evening spent with the members of the Diplomatic Club.
    President of the Club presented a souvenir to the Ambassador, wished success and prosperity to the Lithuanian people, strengthening of friendship and mutually beneficial international trade-economical relations.

    Meeting with the Ambassador of Lithuania in the Club

    Meeting was attended by:
    Meelis Ojassu – Embassy of Estonia, Cornelis J. Groeneveld – Embassy of the Netherlands, Ragnar Haug – Embassy of Norway, Marta Stolarova – Embassy of the Czech Republic, Evgeny Tikhonov, Maxim Preminin – Embassy of Russian Federation, Vladimir Kozlovsky – Embassy of Belarus, Igor Zaharciuc – Embassy of Moldova, Zhazira Myrzakasymova – Embassy of Kazakhstan,  Dawid Tomaszewski – Embassy of Poland, Brian O’Beirne – Embassy of the USA, Andre Villers – Embassy of Belgium, Oleg Butenko – Unimars, Aleksandr Chropenko – Novikontas, Maris Zubachs – Riga Trade Port, Valery Roldugin – BIA, Edgar Ozolins – Auseks, Gregory Pomerantsev – Live Riga, Aleksandr Gaponenko- Institute of European Studies, Viktor Danilokh – sanatorium „Amber Shore“ and other.

    Meeting with the Ambassador of Lithuania in the Club  Meeting with the Ambassador of Lithuania in the Club“ title=

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Meeting with the Ambassador of Lithuania in the Club »  Views: 7984   Diplomatic Club

    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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