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    Day of Norway in Diplomatic Economic Club  

    One Norwegian legends says: “Once upon a time, in a land of snow and northern wind, in a rugged and mountainous region, known as Oslo ,a boy was bored. He mastered his skills and acquired knowledge under the patronage of Odin, the God of Wisdom, until he was acknowledged by the great mentors of Oslo and Tromsø universities as a master of political science.

    Ragnar Haug

    Discharging his duties, he traveled around the World, as a light in the abyss of darkness. He was in Macedonia, Sudan, Kenya and Latvia. He was diligent and zealous in his work, and creative in the leisure. During his adventures, he did not stay alone. On his course of life, the beloved woman and his two children shared his sadness and gladness.

    Meeting in DEC 21.02.2013

    The man who started his journey in a wonderful land of mountains continues his adventures up to present times.

    The legend says that on the 21st of February he will come for a great celebration to a sacred place to meet soul mates.

    Ragnar Haug

    And it happened.
    On the 21st of February, the special event dedicated to Norway took place in DEC. The event was led by the Deputy of Head of Royal Norwegian Embassy Ragnar Haug. He told about his Homeland, traditions, mythology, culture, tourism and development of Economics in Norway.

    Rakfisk знаменитое народное блюдо из селедки в Норвегии

    Fish tasting «Rakfisk»

    Ragnar Haug

    The acquaintance with the country continued with national cooking.
    A set of various fish dishes was introduced with the detailed description of each. All dishes represent the national heritage of Norway. The Club members tasted cod with vegetables, the tongues of cod – Norwegian dainty, trout with mayonnaise, a bit salted salmon and many other delicious fish viands..

    Ragnar Haug

    During the taste of fish, Ragnar Haug discussed the issues of cooking the national dishes, as well as the development of fishing industry in Norway.

    Ragnar Haug

    One of the first fishes to be caught by Norwegians was cod. Since the time of vikings. The northern conquerors fished a cod and dried it outside their houses for 3 months. The success of such dry was the absence of smell and parasites in a fish.

    Ragnar Haug

    Another popular fish is salmon. Norway is the leader in world export of salmon. In addition, Ragnar Haug told about two types of trouts. The Club members had a great opportunity to taste the rare trout, which lives in northern mountain lakes..

    The event was concluded by the quiz and prizes.
    The DEC members thank Ragnar Haug for the great opportunity to get acquainted with the potential of norway and the tasting of the fish, cooked by national recipes.

    The participants of the event
    Ragnar Haug, Andrey Ilyin, Preminin Maxim,  Lolita Pankova, Ozolins Edgar, Lopatko Elena, Danilokh Viktor, Lapatko Vladimir, Butenko Oleg, Dawid Tomaszewski, Zubacs Maris, Andrey Tsvetkov, Alyona Loseva, Andrey Kozlov, Andrey Volkov, Vladimir Kozlovsky, Zhazira Myrzakassimova, Valery Rodrugin and other

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Day of Norway in Diplomatic Economic Club »  Views: 7857   Diplomatic Club

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