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    Caviar history and etiquette  

    Ecology and production, business and history of cultural consumption, capability and hobby. The ancient kinds of sturgeon. Diplomatic Club Event on October 17.

    Sergey Trachuk the owner and establishes of the Mottra, told us the history and tradition of their company.

    Sergei Trachuk

    MOTTRA takes the purest artesian water from 150 m beneath the ground and then purifies it even further through a sophisticated cleaning process. This is a colossal advantage over the fish that inhabit natural surroundings due to the absence of heavy metals, radionuclides, pesticides, dioxins and other by-products of human activity.

    People consuming fish as food from ancient times. Sturgeons were carried out in many rivers especially when they came to spawn.
    150 years ago Latvia launched production of black caviar, as evidences we can see the can bought on the auction Sotby’s.

    Company MOTTRA had been created in 2002 and it took 6 years to produce it and it was the first caviar product that company presented on the market. That was the success for the new company that started positioning itself as fish and ecologically friendly not only in Latvia but in others European countries as well.

    Mottra Sturgeon roe: starlet and sturgeon

    The story of a caviar as food for people, has for many centuries. Previously, it had used all who could catch fish in the rivers, when the fish came to spawn.
    Club Members watched some movie about how to bred the fish and how to produce caviar.

    We welcomed new Club members — Igor Lohmakov Chairman of the Management Board of Private Bank

    Participants of the meeting
    К.Voronin, E.Lopatko, М. Preminin, А. Kozlov, I. Lohmakov,   J. Dovgulya, S. Trachuk and others

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