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    Energy efficiency and friendly environment  

     Environment and Energy. House. Apartment 2014 – exhibitions in Riga

    Club members visited an internationally covered exposition „House. Apartment 2014“and «Environment and Energy», finding place on October 16-19 at the International Exhibition Centre in Riga

    Modern heating and lighting solutions: heating equipment, effective use of «green» energy and energy efficiency, environment friendly electric transport, eco-friendly technologies and equipment for biological wastewater treatment, and more is presented to the visitors of the „ Environment and Energy 2014“, exhibition which is represented by 111 companies from countries as Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Canada, Russia, Poland, Finland, Germany, Sweden and many more.

     Environment and Energy. House. Apartment 2014 – exhibitions in Riga

    The onset of autumn highlights the demand for an efficient, high quality and cost-effective home preparation for the winter season. The exhibitors at « House. Apartment 2014» presents a range of heating solutions for various needs, starting from electric heaters and ending up with powerful boilers.

    Innovative construction and finishing materials, modern sanitary and heating appliances, home furnishings and lighting solutions are offered by 120 companies from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland and other countries.

     Energy and Environment. House. Apartment 2014. Diplomatic club members visiting exhibitions in Riga
     Environment and Energy. House. Apartment 2014 – exhibitions in Riga

     Environment and Energy. House. Apartment 2014 – exhibitions in Riga
     Environment and Energy. House. Apartment 2014 – exhibitions in Riga

     Environment and Energy. House. Apartment 2014 – exhibitions in Riga
     Environment and Energy. House. Apartment 2014 – exhibitions in Riga

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Energy efficiency and friendly environment »  Views: 5391   Diplomatic Club

    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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    У человечества есть память о войнах XX века, если забыли, вспомните. Diplomatic Club for Peace

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    Diplomatic Economic Club
    объединяет участников 37 стран мира.

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