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    Norvik Banka – financial solutions for business  

     Norvik Banka meets Diplomatic club

    Modern banking and business development solutions – central topic at a Diplomatic economic club meeting. Norvik Banka representatives — Oliver Bramwell, chairman of the management board, and Raivis Ruskulis, board member, spoke about bank’s activities and prospects in customer service.

    The board is happy with the bank’s performance in 2014. The chosen operational strategy is in line with the actual development and delivers high quality services to individuals and legal entities.

     Oliver Bramwell, chairman of the Norvik Banka management Board, at Diplomatic club

    Oliver Bramwell discussed strategic plans for 2015.
    Bank aims at optimizing regional representational network in order to offer a convenient service in 7 branches and 67 service centers.

    In 2014 bank resumed corporate business funding with a total amount of 93,1 mil Euro, which resulted in an increase of the credit portfolio size by 18,5%.

     Raivis Ruskulis at Diplomatic club

    By the end of 2014 bank provided services to more than 86 thousand active clients, which places it as the 5th among all banks in this sector, as by the latest data of Commercial Bank Association. The bank’s assets reached 996.4 mil euros, resulting in  an increase by 203.5 mil or 26% due to the increase in the customer base by 19% and raised additional 69.6 mil euro capital from shareholders.

    Capital adequacy ratio is 15.19%, which is higher than a year earlier. Bank liquidity ratio — 58.75%.

     Norvik Banka at Diplomatic club. Club president Dawid Tomaszewski

    Oliver Bramwell, Raivis Ruskulis, Igor Lokhmakov answered questions from the audience.

    Club members highly appreciated Oliver Bramwell’s presentation and wished success in further banking service development.

    Evening participants:
    Igor Lokhmakov, Anatoly Butenko, Snezhana Shushunova, Edgars Ozoliņš, Oliver Bramwell, Raivis Ruskulis, Dawid Tomaszewski, Karina Kokina, Lolita Pankova, Vladimir Kozlovsky and others.

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Norvik Banka – financial solutions for business »  Views: 8353   Diplomatic Club

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