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    Tax planning in the XXI century  

    Lawyer Janis Zelmenis at the meeting in the Diplomatic economic club

    On 14 April in the Diplomatic Economic Club held a meeting with a sworn lawyer Janis Zelmenis which is a tax consultant, quoted expert on issues of taxes, takeovers and reorganizations.
    Janis Zelmenis — honorary Consul of the Republic of Malta in Latvia since 2006.

    In presentation Janis Zelmenis touched upon the issues of banking, financial irregularities, corporate and commercial law, tax law, insurance and other aspects.
    Presentation Janis Zelmenis at the meeting in the Diplomatic economic club 14.04.2016

    Lawyer Janis Zelmenis at the meeting in the Diplomatic economic club

    According to the sworn advocate Janis Zelmenis, modern problems of Latvia are not in the tax system, and in a weak development of economy. The only available method of accelerated development he called active use of elements of state capitalism.
    Tax expert Janis Zelmenis elaborate on the issues of the tax system of Latvia associated with international companies that can optimize mainly the income tax that in his opinion, is insignificant for the budget. The budget is based on three charges: VAT (Value-added tax), social tax and withholding tax, 80% of which is paid by people with income up to 500 Euro. Also excise tax, and everything else we have on real estate tax and corporate income tax.

    Lawyer Janis Zelmenis at the meeting in the Diplomatic economic club  
    Lawyer Janis Zelmenis at the meeting in the Diplomatic economic club in Riga

    Janis Zelmenis, partner of the leading law firms of Latvia — Varul. A master’s degree in international private law received at the Central European University Budapest and a master’s degree in law at the Moscow Institute of International relations (MGIMO).
    Speaks several languages — Latvian, English, Russian, Swedish and Portuguese.

    Janis Zelmenis as an expert in the sphere of taxation, business mergers have knowledge of national and international law.

    The publication of the magazine baltic-course.com (*Rus) about the presentation of Janis Zelmenis at the Club Olga Pavuk, noted prepared by the author the comparative analysis of income tax rates from the population and social benefits in the Baltic States and Belgium, and taxes on labor.

    Lawyer Janis Zelmenis at the meeting in the Diplomatic economic club

    the Participants thanked the lawyer Janis Zelmenis for the possibility of meaningful debate and wished them success and presented a souvenir in memory of the club.

    At the meeting was attended by the club members and guests:
    E. Lopatko, O. Pavuk, L. Pankova, V. Danilokh, E. Ozolins, S. Shushunova, A. Gaponenko, M. Shalaeva, I. Kreslina, V. Butenko, A. Villers, K. Kokina, J. Abdurasulov, J. Korol, Sh. Tavakkalov and other.

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Tax planning in the XXI century »  Views: 4939   Diplomatic Club

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