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    Belgium and its regions. Contribution to AWEX and FIT export  

    Belgium and its regions: presentation of European economical center

    On September 7 in Diplomatic Economic club took place an event «Belgium and its regions: presentation of European economical center»

    In the event club members performanced with their presentations: Thomas Castrel economic counselor for Flandria, Flanders Investment&Trade agency, president of the Diplomatic Economic club, and Jean-Phillipe Schklar, economic counselor for Wallonia and Brussels metropolitan area, Wallons trade agency AWEX.

    Speakers reported about cultural, historical and economical development of Belgium regions. That can be acquainted in details in joint presentation *.pdf

    Event guests took part in interactive quiz „Discovering Belgium together“.

    Specially for event participants, a presentation about Belgian tradicional beverage – beer, was prepared.
    Stephan Castrel told in details not about mass-produced sorts, but about those, that rarely can be found even in Belgium itself. Guests deservedly appreciated the possibility to try the Belgian amber beverage here in Latvia.

    Clubs vice-president Alexandra ChizmadiaThomas Castrel and Jean-Phillipe Schklar. Belgium and its regions: presentation of European economical centerBelgium and its regions: presentation of European economical centerBelgium and its regions: presentation of European economical centerJean-Phillipe Schklar. Belgium and its regions: presentation of European economical centerStephan Castrel. Belgium and its regions: presentation of European economical center

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Belgium and its regions. Contribution to AWEX and FIT export »  Views: 5487   Diplomatic Club

    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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    У человечества есть память о войнах XX века, если забыли, вспомните. Diplomatic Club for Peace

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    Diplomatic Economic Club
    объединяет участников 37 стран мира.

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