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    Pass the beauty and power of nature to the consumer  

     Members of the Diplomatic Club at the Dzintars factory in Riga

    Members of the Diplomatic Economic Club on November 24 visited the oldest company in Latvia in the manufacture of perfumes and cosmetics — Dzintars.
    There was an acquaintance with the history of the origin of production, the production cycle, research and control laboratories, a round table with the president of the company I. Gerchikov on which there was talk about the modern development of the enterprise, the economy as a whole and how to convey to the consumer the beauty and power of nature.

    Production began in 1849 in Riga, when the soap and perfumery manufactory of G. Brieger was opened. In its present form, the enterprise exists since 1951 when the Riga cosmetic factory «Dzintars» was founded.
    Traditionally the factory uses environmentally friendly natural raw materials. To ensure high quality there is own production of infusions.

    Members of the Diplomatic Club at the Dzintars factory in Riga

    Members of the club got acquainted with the production cycles, were convinced of the high culture of production and professional training of specialists.

     Members of the Diplomatic Club at the Dzintars factory in Riga

    Factory Dzintars has special laboratories for testing, product development. For many types of products, the enterprise has a complete production cycle, including components. Plants for obtaining extracts are purchased in the countries of their growth, and processing is carried out by its own sparing technology to preserve their medicinal properties.

     Members of the Diplomatic Club at the Dzintars factory in Riga

    Dzintars produces cosmetic products, which are successfully realized not only in Latvia, but also in many countries of the world.

     Members of the Diplomatic Club at the Dzintars factory in Riga

    At the roundtable meeting, the president of JSC Dzintars I. Gerchikov told about the tasks that are facing enterprise in modern economic conditions.

     Members of the Diplomatic Club at the Dzintars factory in Riga

    In the catalog Dzintars more than 1000 names of cosmetic and perfume products of different directions -products for the care of the body, face, hair; decorative cosmetics; perfumery for women and men.

    In Latvia, Dzintars has its own retail network of 46 stores. Cosmetic and perfume products are also manufactured by order for well-known companies on the principle of Private Label / OEM.

     Members of the Diplomatic Club at the Dzintars factory in Riga

    Dzintars makes direct deliveries from the manufacturer to countries such as Australia, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire, France, Spain, etc.

    Foreign tourists, while in Latvia, purchase the products of the Dzintars factory, which confirms the high quality of the products Thomas Casrel and  Ilya Gerchikov

    The President of the Club Thomas Castrel thanked I. Gerchikov for the opportunity to visit the factory and a meaningful conversation, wished further development and success. On behalf of the club, Tomas Castrel presented the diploma of the Diplomatic Economic Club and memorable souvenirs to the president of «Dzintars».

     Members of the Diplomatic Club at the Dzintars factory in Riga  Members of the Diplomatic Club at the Dzintars factory in Riga  Members of the Diplomatic Club at the Dzintars factory in Riga

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Pass the beauty and power of nature to the consumer »  Views: 7465   Diplomatic Club

    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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