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    Entrepreneur story  

    Peteris Schmidre and Andrei Pavlov at a meeting at the Diplomatic Economic ClubAndrei Pavlov presents to guests of Peteris Schmidre at a meeting at the Diplomatic Economic Club

    Everything is not simple. Everything is very simple. The title of the book and the topic of the meeting at the Diplomatic Economic Club, which took place on January 31, with entrepreneur Peteris Schmidre.

    Club Vice President Andrei Pavlov at the beginning of the meeting recalled that he and Peteris Schmidre were graduating from the same faculty as a radio engineer!

    P. Schmidre — President of the Association of Telecommunications Enterprises of Latvia. He told the club members about his path in business, how he created and developed the business of telecommunication enterprises.

    Peteris Schmidre and Janis Lelis at a meeting at the Diplomatic Economic ClubPeteris Schmidre and Janis Lelis at a meeting at the Diplomatic Economic Club 31.01.2020

    The Executive Director of the Telecommunications Association of Latvia, Janis Lelis and Peteris Schmidre, spoke about the modern development of the communications and television industry.
    J. Lelis and P. Schmidre presented to the Club members a book of the Telecommunications Association of Latvia.This book is prepared and written by people who participated in the development of the modern communication’s industry in Latvia.

    Peteris Schmidre talked about his business of agriculture — animal husbandry.Everyone also said that a member of the club Juris Savickis is also involved in agriculture — sheep breeding.

    Peteris Schmidre and Andrei Pavlov at a meeting at the Diplomatic Economic Club 31.01.2020

    P. Schmidre is now an investor and founder of the holding company SUITAPREST.
    SUITAPREST is a trademark of non-bank lending companies that issue loans secured by real estate in Spain.

    At the end of the meeting, Peteris Schmidre answered questions from members of the Club.

    The Club Vice-President thanked P. Schmidre for an interesting meeting, which lasted 2.5 hours without a break !

    Peteris Schmidre and Andrey Pavlov — presentation of awards

    In memory of the meeting, a Club souvenir and a traditional «yellow leader’s jersey» were presented.In turn, P. Schmidre presented his book with the author’s autograph, «Everything is not simple. Everything is very simple»

    For the first time at a meeting at the Diplomatic Economic Club, there was a live video broadcast of the club’s meeting.
    Club members who are outside Latvia participated in viewing the club meeting.

    The broadcast was conducted with the participation of Yuri Alekseev, company Device

    Peteris Schmidre and Andrei Pavlov at a meeting at the Diplomatic Economic Club 31.01.2020Peteris Schmidre at a meeting at the Diplomatic Economic Club 31.01.2020Peteris Schmidre at a meeting at the Diplomatic Economic Club 31.01.2020

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Entrepreneur story »  Views: 3113   Diplomatic Club

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