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    Positive thinking and Opportunities  

    Diplomatic Economic Club and Members of the Association of National Tourist Offices and Representatives (ANTOR) have organised a Webinar on May 20 on the topic of the Situation in the Tourism industry.

    Video-conference of the Club on May 20, 2020Video-conference of the Club on May 20, 2020, with the Members of ANTOR

    Webinar Topic: Problems and Opportunities of the Tourism industry.
    Ms. Margarita Shalaeva (Company 1travel.lv) introduced statistics data (*.pdf) on General trends and described situation in Latvia and Baltic’s.

    Mr. Pedro Waeghe, Representative of VISITFLANDERS (Belgium), introduced the plans and supportive measures of the government of Flanders for the industry. For instance, VISITFLANDERS owns a few hostels, and the Organisation currently doesn’t charge the rental fee.

    Mr. Sergey Kanaev Director of representation of Department of Tourism Government of Shariah told about „relaxing coronavirus restrictions“. For instance, airports, large shops and hotels are equipped with the special „corridors of disinfection“ for employees. The same option is for visitors as well. Officials in many countries have announced that tourism will „move the economics“ after the lockdown.

    Video-conference of our Club on May 20, 2020

    Ms. Irina Petrenko (Italian National Tourist Board) introduced the situation in her country and measures for health protection of tourists.

    It was pointed out –it is important for networking and cooperation in the tourism industry to organise international exhibitions, as BALTTOUR being traditionally organised in Riga at the beginning of February.  

     Video-conference of our Club on May 20, 2020

    The Ambassador of Korea, Mr. Seong-jin Han, the Ambassador of Uzbekistan Mr. Kadambay Sultanov, the Deputy Ambassador of Switzerland, Mr. Aldo de Luca introduced situation in the tourism in their countries.

    President of the Club , Mr. Thomas Castrel thanked Mr. Sergey Kanaev and Kristina Ionitska for supporting the webinar, and all other participants for interesting discussions, and wished all the best to the Tourism industry!

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Positive thinking and Opportunities »  Views: 2889   Diplomatic Club

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