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    Personal Brand in XXI Century  

    The webinar was organised on September 11, with the participation of Diplomatic Economic Club Members, as the event of International Riga Food exhibition 2020.
    Ms. Julianna Pliskina Webinar on Riga Food exhibition Ms. Julianna Pliskina is a business coach, entrepreneur, and member of the Diplomatic Economic Club. Her webinar topic was „How to promote your business with a personal brand, with minimal costs. Tips and tricks of the expert“

    Presentation covered such important topics as the importance of the founder’s Personal brand in the 21st century and options of monetising . 
    There are many possibilities for using personal brand and promoting your business. The buyers and clients trust more the Personal brand then inanimate brands.
    Also, the Personal brand can reduce your marketing expenses, and can help to protect your business. The Personal brand allows reducing marketing expenses and protecting the business.

    Every tip from the webinar is based on the personal experience of Ms. Julianna Pliskina and successful cases of promoting her own business with the Personal brand.

    The Diplomatic Economic Club will continue organizing the same meetings and sessions on the international „BT 1“ exhibitions.
    The next meeting is scheduled on September 18 at 3 p.m. The topic: „Stressful situations — how to solve them"

    Ms. Julianna Pliskina, Business coach, entrepreneur, an expert on promoting the Personal brand. The founder of the consulting agency „JP Media“. The Speaker of Saint Petersburg State Economic University. She is in the list of TOP 20 Russian Speakers, TV host, the author of bestsellers, „Forbes Woman“ contributor.

    Webinar – Personal brand Webinar – Personal brandWebinar – Personal brand Webinar – Personal brand

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Personal Brand in XXI Century »  Views: 2713   Diplomatic Club

    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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