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    To shift the focus  

    One of the online meetings-webinar of the Diplomatic Economic Club (on the International Exhibition Medbaltica 2020) covered the nature and reasons of the human’s reaction to the stress. The topic was presented by the Speaker Ms. Julianna Pliskina.

    Webinar on the nature and reasons of the human’s reaction to the stress

    The Speaker introduced a few methods of reducing the stress in uncontrolled situations; reducing the anxiety; changing the life for the better state of health.

    For instance, to control the emotions and reduce the anxiety, it is recommended to „shift the focus“. There are 5 steps: 5-4-3-2-1.

    Each step includes the following actions:
    5 – look around and find five colors.
    4- name four feelings you feel (for instance: air blowing from the ventilator, your chain around the neck, watch strap on the hand)
    3 – name three sounds you hear
    2 – two smells
    1 – try to get one taste with a long-lasting effect (put a raisin, coffee bean, a piece of bitter chocolate, or candy under your tongue).
    In this way, a person immediately uses several features of the body to switch the brain from stress: visual images, tactile sensations, hearing, smell, and taste.

    Presentation of webinar is available here

    Ms. Julianna Pliskina Business-coach, the founder of the Advisory agency „JP Media“ has gifted her book „101 methods of reducing the stress“ to the participants of the webinar

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  To shift the focus »  Views: 2767   Diplomatic Club

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