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    Lilac as the symbol of friendship  

    Alley of friendship

    On June 3, Members and guests of the Diplomatic Economic Club celebrated 20 years of Alley of friendship, located in Rukisi village near Riga.
    Since the year 2002, members of the Club every year plant the lilac bushes on the Alley of friendship.

    Alley of friendship

    The first bushes in the recreation complex „Kolitilovka“ were planted by the first members of the Diplomatic Economic Club Y Sheng (People’s Republic of China), Rostislav Karpinski (Poland), Evgeniy Tikhonov (Russia), Viktor Borecky (Slovakia), Ladislav Kubiznak (Czech Republic), Valery Zovtenko (Ukraine), Alisher Nurullaev (Uzbekistan).

    Alley of friendship

    Members of the Club cleaned up and beautified the «Alley of friendship».
    Their bushes in the anniversary year 2022 planted:

    Mr. Seong Jin Han – Ambassador of the Republic of Korea

    Seong-Jin Han — Ambassador of the Republic of Korea

    Mr. Adam Shumsky – Attache of the US Embassy

    Mr. Adam Shumsky — Attaché of the US Embassy

    Ms. Sun Jinhuan  — Counsellor in the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China

    Ms. Sun Jinhuan — Counsellor in the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China

    Olivier Dal Zuffo

    Olivier Dal Zuffo — Director of the company Broccoli, Belgium

    Sergejs Jelisejevs – Business Development Director of X Infotech

    Sergejs Jelisejevs — Business Development Director of X Infotech

    Valery Komissarov and Natalija Berzina

    Valery Komissarov — co-founder of KOM-INVEST and Natalija Berzina – newly married couple, congratulations!

    Alley of friendship. Mr. Adam Shumsky, Mr. Olivier Dal Zuffo, Mr. Seong Jin Han  Alley of friendship
    Alley of friendship

    Members of the Club, who planted lilac bushes for the 20th Anniversary of the Alley of the friendship of the Diplomatic Economic Club

    The club members visited the park of the recreational complex and tried the traditional fish cooked at the stake.

    Alley of friendshipAlley of friendship
    Alley of friendship

    Following the old tradition –the log from the fireplace should be put into the soup. It improves the taste, and also it is good for disinfection.

    All participants, who planted the lilac bushes, were awarded traditional „yellow T-shirts of the leader“ with the logo of the club.
    The custodian of the tradition of the «Alley of friendship» were awarded the memorable badge of the Club and souvenirs.

    Participants of the meeting and Club Members wished Mr. Nikolai Kolotilo to stay healthy and be successful, and thanked him for keeping the tradition of the club through the years – planting the lilac bushes in Latvia, with representatives of many countries all over the world!

    20th Anniversary of the Alley of the friendship

    20th Anniversary of the Alley of the friendship of the Diplomatic Economic Club

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Lilac as the symbol of friendship »  Views: 2587   Diplomatic Club

    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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