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    »» Archive  »  Celebrations at the Belarus Embassy 03.06.2009 (19441)

    Celebrations at the Belarus Embassy  

    3 July 2009, reception at the Belarus Embassy July 3, on occasion of the Independence Day of Belarus there was reception at the Belarus Embassy in Latvia.
    Many guests arrived that evening to the reception and congratulated Belarus people with the important holiday.
    His excellence Mr. A.M.Gerasimenko, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus Republic in Latvia, was meeting arriving guests and received their congratulations.   S.Ladigin,   U. Buehler, I.Gulchak, E.Ozolinsh, P.Baranay, A.Mahmutov His excellence, Mr. Aleksandr M. Gerasimenko, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, addressed guests with a welcome speech, congratulated all with Belarusian Independence Day and wished further prosperity to Latvian and Belarusian people.
    On occasion of the 65th anniversary of Belarus liberation during the Great Patriotic War, Mr. A.M.Gerasimenko awarded medals and letters from the Belarus President to the war veterans.
    Photo: S.Ladigin, U. Buehler, I.Gulchak, E.Ozolinsh, P.Baranay, A.Mahmutov.

    3 July 2009, reception at the Belarus Embassy DEC’s members, Nikolai Kolotilo, Ilona Gulchak, Olga Pavuk, Svatoslav Ladigin  Ilona Gulchak and Urs Buehler Ilona Gulchak (Baltic International Bank) and Urs Buehler (Swiss Confederation Embassy) 3 July 2009, reception at the Belarus Embassy DEC’s president, Secretary of Slovak Embassy, Mr. Pavol Baranay and vice-president of Air Baltic corporation, Mr. Grigory Pomerancev.  Olga Pavuk, Pavol Baranay and Urs Buehler Olga Pavuk, Pavol Baranay and Urs Buehler   A. Pikul Artur Nevecky introduced Antonina Pikul, spouse of the popular Latvian and Soviet novelist Valentine Pikul, to president of the Club Pavol Baranay.

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