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    »» Archive  »  Nord Stream project 04.02.2010 (13557)

    Nord Stream project  

    Nord Stream project

    On February 4, 2010 there was Club meeting with Mr. Roman Baumanis who is the representative of the Nord Stream, an international gas pipeline construction project in the Baltic Sea. The pipeline will connect directly suppliers and consumers in Europe.
    During the meeting Mr. R. Baumanis detailed addressed an international collaboration project in the field of energy and presented companies which established a consortium. The questions regarding the need in supply for gas in Europe, consumers who already ready to buy the gas through the pipeline were presented too. The amount of gas which is planned to transfer through the pipeline is calculated according to real demand from European Union contries. It is worth mentioning that these calculations were performed by independent representatives of EU and Nord Stream. This research showed economic evidence for the project.

    Mr. R. Baumanis specially addressed issues regarding environment protection. The countries participating in the project have a common framework for environment protection and control mechanims.
    The technology, its reliability and correspondence to the modern standards were presented as well. The uniqueness of the project technological realization includes the fact that pipe will be lined from two sides and connected in the Baltic Sea. In order to provide Europe with the necessary amount of natural gas there will be two offshore lines.

    It is not necessary to build compression stations in the sea, they will be only at the input and output of the pipeline. The pressure at the input will be high enough and the intermediate compression stations are not necessary.
    If one builds a similar pipeline on the land, there will at least 5 intermediate compression stations in order to guarantee the necessary pressure in the line. This will certainly have an impact to the environment. On basis of many factors it was decided to supply natural gas to Europe through the offshore pipeline.

    The detailed presentation can be found under this link:

    The Club meeting was attended also by Mr. Evgeny Roldugin , director of Gazprom representation in Latvia and his deputy Mr. Pavel Litvinov.Mr. R. Baumanis and Mr. E. Roldugin provided detailed and explicit answer to the questions of the Club members.
    The meeting was attended by:
    P. Baranay, P. Bredihin, J. Rekasi, O. Pavuk, I. Andzane, E. Ozolins, V. Roldugin, S. Ladigin, H. Palfinger, A. Villers, S. Kanaev, G. Kumm, D. Tomasevsky, A. Gaponenko and other

    DEC President Mr. Pavol Baranay on behalf of the Club members expressed his gratitude to Mr. R. Baumanis for his talk and wished success to Nord Stream

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