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    »» Archive  »  SMP Bank – modern development 11.02.2010 (15945)

    SMP Bank – modern development  

    SMP bank – modern development

    February 11, Mrs. Svetlana Dzene, Chairwoman of the Board, SMP Bank, invited DEC members to the introduction meeting about SMP Bank activities and presentation of the Light House Hotel in Jurmala.
    In her talk, Mrs. Svetlana Dzene addressed questions regarding the development history of SMP Bank; current status of business activities; introduced the concept of expansion of the bank network in Latvia; financing strategies of enterprises including trade operations and consumers; factoring operations. Currently SMP Bank dedicates effort for improving coordination and cooperation among bank clients, so that they feel more confident and secure, so that bank clients support each other and continue developing business despite economic difficulties.

    SMP Bank Latvia is a „daughter“ of Russian bank Severnij Morskoj Putj (in English North Sea Way). Severnij Morskoj Putj currently is ranked number 65 among 1000 Russian commercial banks. SMP Bank in Latvia continuously develops its business relations with clients inside Latvia as well as with clients from Russia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and other CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) countries, including main companies in production industries.

    Svetlana Dzene and Andris Dzenis presented their family business Light House hotel, which is placed in dune area of the Riga gulf. Earlier, there used to be a boat renting service. After the reconstruction there are 11 luxe rooms in the new building of the hotel. Each of them has it’s specific style connected to a country, for example, France, Italy, Russia, Indonesia, or one of Latvia’s regions, like Kurzeme, Zemgale and so on.

    There are several terraces with beautiful view to the sea and it is possible to organize different types of events in the hotel. Special attention is paid to the products in the restaurant, bread, butter are made by the Chef in the hotel.
    The warm hospitality of the owners and the staff will make a summer or winter evening in the hotel unforgettable.

    Mrs. E. Lopatko made a surprise of all who attended the meeting and brought pancakes with her — the traditional dish of the Maslenitsa, traditional Russian holiday.
    DEC President Pavol Baranay thanked Svetlana Dzene and Andris Dzenis for a wonderful meeting and presentation, he wished a lot of success and good luck.
    According to the tradition, DEC President presented DEC Diploma and the leadership souvenir.

    Following persons participated in the meeting:
    Svetlana Dzene and Andris Dzenis – owners of the hotel.
    P. Baranay, A. Villers, I. Zaharchuk, V. Roldugin, O. Butenko, E. Ozolins, V. Butenko, E. Lopatko, V. Berezovsky, V.Butenko, J. Kunga, O. Pavuk, E. Roldugin, A. Gaponenko.

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