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    »» Archive  »  Happy sailing Mr. President 18.02.2010 (31500)

    Happy sailing Mr. President  

    Happy sailing Mr. President

    February 18, at DEC Club a reception was organized on occasion of departure back of the Club’s president and Secretary of Slovak Embassy Mr. Pavol Baranay.

    On behalf of the Club members DEC vice-president Janos Rekasi addressed guests with a welcome speech:
    «Dear Pavol, dear Pali, dear friends, dear colleagues,
    Everything will be finished once. We do it know very well in our private life and in history as well. Finishing a service in one country – this is a very typical experience of diplomats. Today we’ve come together because our exquisite friend, the president of the Economic Diplomatic Club will leave Latvia soon.
    As I know Pavol was working in the past as a captain. Even now if you talk to him you may have such a feeling that this is a person you may have fully trust in and who has a real leadership.
    As a president he has been acting also as a captain and I hope you all have the feeling had that we have been safe enough on the ship. Pavol has worked for the Club a lot, and we have very good memories about meetings, exciting programs, good and useful connections. I hope we could continue this track.
    I met Pavol in Kipsala in the Riga Food exhibition in 2007 just as I arrived to the Baltic’s, and at the first time I had the impression that he was not only a charmer but a clever and hard-working diplomat.
    Pali, I’m sure we, in the Club will miss very much. I would like to keep the nice contact with you in the future and I do hope very much if I will leave the Baltic states we will meet frequently in Slovakia or in Budapest, and we will sit dawn and have a nice chat about wines, vodkas, good food, business and of course women.
    I wish you good lock and lot of success in the next step of your life.
    God bless you, Pavol, Pali!

    During his work in Latvia, Mr. Baranay dedicated a lot of efforts to the successful expansion of economic relations between businesses in Latvia and Slovakia. In 2008 DEC members elected him to Club’s President position. He was actively involved in organization of business meetings, conferences, participation of Slovak entrepreneurs in the international exhibitions in Riga, visits to Latvia regions and presentations of Latvian enterprises.
    For his persistence and achievement of results in strengthening international business links, the Club decided to award Pavol Baranay with honorary medal «For Outstanding Contribution to the Development of International Trade and Economic Relations».
    Janos Rekasi awarded the medal and also read the letters which will be sent to the government of Slovakia.

    P. Baranay was awarded DEC medal

    Aleksanr Gaponenko presented his book to Pavol Baranay and together with Olga Pavuk recalled to the guests about Mr. Baranay’s contributions in literature.
    Also, souvenirs from Riga were presented to retiring President, so that they will remind him about his time in Riga.
    During his life there were both good and sometimes not so good things. But no matter what happens to him notions, such as „culture“, „politeness“, „discipline“, „intelligence“ are not just sounds, they reflect his personal qualities. In brief, he is an honorable representative of two difficult professions: diplomat and sailor. Different people who met Pavol Baranay are unanimous in their opinions: the inexhaustible life energy, creative and enterprising approach to business, vast economic knowledge and managerial experience allow him to be an effective leader and excellent organizer. Many important and useful issues were solved during the time he was leading the Club. As everyone noted his professionalism, competence and diligence, Pavol Baranay enjoyed the exceptional respect of his colleagues. His energy and efficiency, balance in decision-making, persistence and team leader capabilities won everyone’s favor.
    In replay, Mr. Baranay expressed sincere acknowledgment for the attention, collaboration, and understanding of tasks which Club members were solving together. He wished everyone health, success, and to see each other again.

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    Following persons participated in the meeting:
    Herwig Palfinger, Embassy of Austria
    Janos Rekasi, Inguna Andzane, Embassy of Hungary
    Igor Nazaruk, Pavel Tkachuk, Aleksandr Sushkevich, Embassy of Belarus
    Cornelis J. Groeneveld, Juris Dreimanis, Embassy of Netherlands
    Askar Makhmutov, Embassy of Kazakhstan
    Igor Zaharciuc, Embassy of Moldova
    Pavel Bredikhin, Embassy of Russia
     Aleksandr Gaponenko, Olga Pavuk, Edgar Ozolins, Ludmila Babre, Valery Roldugin, Nikolai Kolotilo, Svatoslav Ladigin, Julija Kunga — Latvia
    and other

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