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    Flowers laying at the memorial on Lucavsala Island  

    Flowers laying at the memorial on Lucavsala Island

    On July 12, 2010 the Riga Business club arranged flower laying on Lucavsala Island in Riga at the monument to 400 Russian soldiers, who fallen down in 1701 during the Northern War (1700- 1721).
    E. Voloshyn, A. Gaponenko, V. Altukhov spoke to guests.

    Flowers laying at the memorial on Lucavsala Island.

    Tragic event in local history happened at the beginning of Northern War, when Swedes after winning the Saxons decided to get rid of Russians, who was on Lucavsala Island without any help. Strength Swedish army hoped to win quickly, but it turned out otherwise. There was such a bustle, that when king Charles XII arrived, he saw a lot of his soldiers dead and 20 Russian soldiers firing back in redoubt.

    King was admired by the boldness of Russian soldiers and commanded to take them prisoners. Killed soldiers made the first common grave in Riga.

    Flowers laying at the memorial on Lucavsala Island

    Long time there were ruins of windmill with a plate about the coommon grave on that place. Memorial was built on Lifland’s governor-general Zynovjev initiative. 6 metres high monument from Finnish granite reminds the Orthodox Church. There is Peter the Great monogram from one side and Alexander the III monogram from the other side.

    Inscription on a monument:
    «On July 10, 1891, the monument was built on Lifland’s governor general Zinovjev donations. In 400 russian soldiers fallen in July 10th, 1701 memory».
    On photo: Nikolay Kolotilo

    Flowers laying at the memorial on Lucavsala Island

    Appeared a tradition: every year on first Sunday after the 10th July veteran society Znamya conducted public praym in fallen for their country soldiers memory. This tradition continue Riga Business club.

    Businessmen from Riga Business club, deputies from Seym and Riga Duma, diplomats from Embassy of Russia tooak a part in arrangement.
    On photo:
    Evgeny Tikhonov – Embassy of Russia, Ilja Gerchikov — Dzintars, Sergey Dolgopolov — deputy of Riga Dome.

     Flowers laying at the memorial on Lucavsala Island

    On photo:
    Valery Roldugin, Svyatoslav Ladygin.

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