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    Day of Hungary in DEC  

    On the treshhold of the national holiday in Hungary, on the 11th of October a themed event dedicated to hot springs in Hungary and lake Heviz took place in the Club.

    Крепко и еще раз крепко Крепко и еще раз крепко Крепко и еще раз крепко

    The world of Hungarian hot spring was introduced to gests and members of Club.

    In the first adventure, guests dip in and swam in thermal bathing Secheni, which is placed at the centre of Budapest.
    Panorama of evening Budapest-lights on the side of Pest, Royal Palace, Fishing bastion.

    Firmly and once again firmly  Firmly and once again firmly

    The next adventure took place in Balaton, where we met the ex-president of DEC (2009-2011) János Rékasi, who is counseller in the Ministry of Economics in Hyngary.
    After that, we arrived to Tihan peninsula, were we met Gyorgy Jakocs the general director of company Robinson Tours.

     Firmly and once again firmly Firmly and once again firmly

    All roads lead to.. paraphrasing to Heviz.Thermal lake and city is a very popular resort for those who care about theirs health.

    Marsh layers of ice age. Thermal waters from limestone and dolomite, 4 sources fill up the lake for 410l. Per second.

    Firmly and once again firmly  Firmly and once again firmly Firmly and once again firmly

    Calcium and magnesium prevent from inflammation. Limestone creates carbonic acid that is important for vessels. Carbonate is required for skin nourishment.

    Radon gases positively influence on adrenals and thyroid gland.

    Firmly and once again firmly Firmly and once again firmly Firmly and once again firmly

    To plunge in the atmosphere of the adventure, hungarian balsam Unicum and salami were offered for members of the Club.

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Day of Hungary in DEC »  Views: 7225   Diplomatic Club

    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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