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    Brian O’Beern Second Secretary Embassy of USA  

    Brian O’Beern,  Second secretary of the U.S. Embassy in Latvia
    Brian O’Beern, Second secretary of the U.S. Embassy in Latvia

    18 October in the Diplomatic Economic Club opened a series of meetings «Temporarily available», the interlocutor Brian O’Beern, Second secretary of the U.S. Embassy in Latvia

    On the 18th of October, the members of the Club had meeting with the second secretary 2nd Secretary, Embassy of the United States in Riga Brian O’Beirne. During the dinner, they have discussed elections, politic and economic situation in USA and the aspects of Mr. O’Beirne private life.

    Mr. O’Beirne started the discussion with the details of his youth. He told about the most important decision in his life-to become diplomat. Moreover, Mr. O’Beirne convinced the members of the Club that the economic situation in USA improves every year. The level of unemployment decreases. Regarding the elections, Mr. O’Beirne explained positions of both parties. The Republicans offered to decrease expenses, while the Democratic Party wants to increase taxes for rich people. To find out, who is more popular in the Club, Mr. Obama or Mr. Roumney, the members of the Club got an opportunity to vote themselves. After the calculations, Mr. Obama won the election.

    Temporarily available

    And in the end of meeting Mr. O’Beirne answered several private questions. He admitted that he likes European football, listen classic rock (Rolling Stones), and he loves the weather in Latvia, because it reminds him of his Homeland.


    At the meeting participated:
    Oleg Butenko, Edgar Ozolins, Andheri Ilyin, Maxim Preminin, Natalia Kryukova, Alexandr Bugrov, Ladislav Kubiznak, Alexander Gaponenko,  Olga Pavuk, Vladimir Lopatko, Zhazira Myrzakassimova and other

    Diplomatic Economic Club® »  Brian O’Beern Second Secretary Embassy of USA »  Views: 7947   Diplomatic Club

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