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    Golf tournament of the Diplomatic Club  

    Golf tournament of the Diplomatic Club  
    Master training Andre Villers

    Traditional tournament for the championship of the club for the game of Golf took place in the Diplomatic Economic Club on the eve of Ligo, widely celebrated in Latvia
    The annual competition was held at the Golf club «Viesturi»

    In 2016, the competition is held for the 11th time and involvement as professionals and beginners.


    After the warm-up and training took place tournament, the winners are determined among a greater number of goals scored in the goal.

    Golf tournament of the Diplomatic Club  
    Inga Sheremet carefully prepare to kick the ball

    The winner of the competition was Alexander Shushunov.
    Second and third places were taken respectively by Valery Roldugin and Shakhboz Tavakkalov, which this year is the first time took a golf club after a 10 years of break!

    The winners of the 11th tournament of the Diplomatic Economic Club got the honorary award, which was presented by the Vice-President of the Club Andre Villiers, a multiple winner, and in 2013 the winner of the competition.

    Golf tournament of the Diplomatic Club  
    Andre Villers and Valery Roldugin

    Begginers of the competition, Roman and Inga Sheremet awarded by a special prize «To strive for victory!»
    By tradition, the participants in anticipation of the national holiday of «Ligo», held a picnic.

    Golf tournament of the Diplomatic Club

    The competition was attended by:
    Andre Villers, Valery Roldugin, Alexander Shushunov, Snezhana and Maxim Shushunov, Shakhboz Tavakkalov, Javokhir Abdurasulov, Edgar Ozolins, Vyacheslav Butenko, Roman Sheremet, Anatoly Butenko, Inga Sheremet, dog named Jango and other

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    Diplomatic Economic Club®

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